The April 11, 2017 show featured
Spring Planting
Gardening for Fun and Survival
As always, Will covered some general preparedness topics and current events related ideas and perspectives.
The show had a few overarching points related to maintaining a calm thoughtful approach to the world and reactions to threats and triggers. It is especially important to remember that perception is critical in these matters. We can actually change the entire tragectory of our lives in a single moment of time. That is why Will promotes a stoic approach to everything. It is not indecision it is about thoughful, well planned execution. The old carptenter's adage, "measure twice, cut once" is highly applicable.
Will's guest for the show was Lisa Mongeau, she began life in the corporate world, spent part of her life on the farm, and the rest in one way or another, working with the soil and horticultural pursuits. She has worked for the past few years at Dambly's Garden Center in Berlin, NJ. It is one of my favorite garden centers in the area, the people are extremely friendly and knowledgable all in a family atmosphere.
Will and Lisa covered all things spring planting and gardening, from hobby to sustenance gardening, from container to large scale, pest control, and much more.