The February 7, 2017 show featured
Your Perspective & Location
Determines Your Survival Quotient
Urban vs Suburban vs Rural
As always, Will covered some general preparedness topics and current events related ideas and perspectives.
The show had a few overarching points all focused on understanding the impediments and advantages to both your perspective (mindset) and your location.
Urban, suburban, and rural mindsets are exactly that. While the majority of people (sheeple) can be easily lumped into broad categories based upon where they live, that may not always be accurate. As the old adage goes, “don’t judge a book by the cover”. Have you ever noticed that guy or girl that you know who has the lifted jeep or truck? The one with the scuffs in the paint and often has mud all over it? But they live in the city? It is likely that they have a rural or at least a suburban perspective on things. You will not be likely to ever catch them shopping for clothes in Lords and Taylor. You are more likely to find them buying clothes in Walmart or at Tractor Supply. If they wear white running sneakers that cost $200 but live in the pines on the edge of Medford Lakes (NJ), they likely have a urban (city) perspective.
Why does this matter? The answer to that would require an entire book to explain. But for our purposes the general answer is this. People are people. But, people adapt to their environment. So, in large population centers there is little to no privacy. As a result, people tend to reflect that in their reduced inhibitions and tend to be much less “shy”. Urbanites also are much more resolved to overwhelming regulation and controls. Freedom is defined in two completely different ways by a city dweller and rural farmer.
Even with the recent few decades of urban farming there are few things that are created or grown in urban environments. Therefore, basically everything must be bought and imported from the suburban and rural areas.
Perspective & Location
Determines Your
Survival Quotient
Urban vs Suburban vs Rural
February 7, 2017 Show
Will and his team offer training seminars on numerous topics related to physical, data security, urban and wilderness survival, preparedness and self reliance.
There is a form below if you are interested in speaking with us about tailoring a seminar to your business, organization, church, school, group or family.
Will highly recommends that you watch several well made training videos by major law enforcement and other sources. They will help to set your mindset to building situational awareness for you in your world.
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