This show focused on
Sustenance Gardening
How, Why, the Costs, Benefits and Value
Hobby Gardening
Many people garden as a hobby, to grow a few exotic herbs or vegetables, even just to get out in the fresh air. There is no seriousness to the hobby (though some people get quite carried away with it). If the garden fails, they are simply disappointed that they did not get whatever the exotic they were hoping for.
There are other people, like myself, who realize that one of the most serious threats to our survival is food and water. It is not as simple as saying; we need food and water to survive. You need to have a sustainable source for food and you need to have a reasonably high level of skill in planning, tending, harvesting, preparation and storage of food. So sustenance gardening is serious business. As the name implies, sustenance is the maintaining of someone or something in life or existence, food, nourishment, nutrition, etc.
The most critical thing that you can do is to get your hands dirty and do it! Don't wait, just do it. Grow something! I don't care if you live in your car, your parent's basement or on a giant piece of land start now. Do not wait. Every day that you learn and gain experience nurturing living food production type plants moves you closer to survival stability. Sometimes the most useful lessons are learned from total failure, but you will never learn if you don’t try. Each area has different challenges and pests. The last thing that you want to do is learn when you are starving and losing function.