This show featured
Self Defense & the Law
The show will be a serious discussion regarding you legal rights, suggested actions and a mindset to increase your safety and security while keeping your freedom.
Evan Nappen will help Will outline and dispell common myths and inaccuracies regarding acceptable and warranted actions while defending yourself and those around you.
Evan is a brilliant mind, a great attorney specializing in all things self defense and gun related. He has represented defendants in many high profile legal cases successfully defending their right to self protection.
One of Will's favorite books that Evan authored is his book entitled Knife Laws of the US. As a survivalist, outdoorsman and active person I always have at least one knife in my possession and we bet you do too. Reading this book is imperative to your financial health and your freedom.
Join Will, Evan Nappen, Jim Fisher and others for a seminar on active shooter, OPSEC (operational security) and self defense law.
The seminar is only $10 and you will walk away with a copy of th booklet: When Can I Legally Shoot@ Knowing the Law Of Deadly Force.