EDC, Kits, Gear & Equip.
The seminar was designed to help participants how to build, design and configure small kits and EDCs to meet the needs of survivalists, hikers, campers, etc. We will be covering and hands-on practicing the options for containers, contents and carry considerations.
Basic skills and some good kits components are essential to anyone who is active, hikes, mountain bikes, or does any other outdoor activities.
Together we will build mini kits and stock them with important contents, tools and supplies.
Completed kits are for sale from Will. Members can purchase component contents from Will if you wish to build a mini kit during the meeting. The cost of the container and the contents will range from $10 to $30.
EDC Mini Kits are the next to the smallest kits that you can have. They are a little larger than the average pocket but will fit into a small cellphone belt case.