This show featured
The show’s topic was Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical threats and the realities of the survivability and risk they actually pose.
This show Will was a conversation with David Jones; a US Army NBC Specialist on the topic of Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical threats and the realities of the survivability and risk that they actually pose.
During several conversations between David and Will it has become apparent they share a similar perspective regarding these events and their perceived threat. The mainstream media, politicians, and fearmongers on YouTube and elsewhere would have you believe that any of these types of events would be TEOTWAWKI. In fact, that is not true.
The rhetoric spewed by those aligned with the idea that Nuclear weapons would destroy the world fails to tell the entire story. The raw underbelly of the story is far too much for most to fathom. While no moral, humane person on earth should ever venture the idea that exploding a nuclear bomb on any city or place would be something to celebrate or relish, it is not the whole truth. Will argues that many of the problems that we have today are a result of coddling the public, shielding them from the realities of the world; good, bad, horrible, and miraculous. Forwarding the idea that chemical, nuclear or biological attacks would “destroy everything” does a disservice to those who may be unfortunate enough to be in such an attack and yet lucky enough to live.
What if you thought that a nuclear attack would kill you, but you stand up in the rubble of an entire city scorched with only minor injuries? What if you thought that you would die from a Sarin Gas attack, that’s it, but instead, a few die in front of you but you don’t? (Refer to the sarin gas attack in the subway in Japan.)
Now what? That is the disservice paid by our protective agencies in order to enhance fear and public outcry to destroy these weapons. Unfortunately, that will never happen. There is always another nutjob waiting in the wings to do some dastardly deed. We need to know what to look for, and what to do if we see one if we survive the initial incident how do we secure our long terms survival? Who is telling us?
In the word of Sakahara; a survivor (late ’20s at the time) he “noticed a package on the floor wrapped in the newspaper after boarding the subway to go to work. It was the sarin gas. His eyes began to feel strange and lose focus, and he wondered if he had forgotten to rinse his contact lenses. Sensing something was wrong, he moved to the next car. Looking back to the first car, he and others saw a middle-aged man had lost consciousness. At the next stop, passengers carried him and another person out. Sakahara later heard that one had died. He also got off and flagged a taxi to continue to work. His vision started to get darker, and he saw a TV news crew scurrying about. He said he could look right at the sun as if he were wearing very strong sunglasses. He left a note to his boss at his office and walked to a nearby hospital. He didn’t get the antidote as his injuries were not serious enough. After lying down for a while, he went home.”
But we know Sarin Nerve gas kills. So he was fine, right? Wrong? His actions saved him. Read the whole story. There is a button to the right with another story about sarin gas attacks in Damascus, Syria by their own government. Go to the links
Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical
The Realities & Preparations
As Well As Other Musings
Do you know what to do?
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